2005-09-25 10:17:06 UTC
Ain't No Mountain High Enough
一 回答:
2005-09-25 10:51:41 UTC
Ain't no mountain high enough 愛比山高 馬文蓋 & 黛米泰瑞爾

Listen, baby 聽著,寶貝

Ain't no mountain high 不管山有多高

Ain't no valley low 不管溪谷多深

Ain't no river wide enough, baby 不管河有多寬廣,寶貝

If you need me, call me 若你需要我,就呼喚我

No matter where you are 不論你身在何方

No matter how far 不管海角天涯

Just call my name 只要呼喚我

I'll be there in a hurry 我會盡快到你身旁

You don't have to worry 你毋需憂慮

*'Cause baby, 因為,寶貝

There ain't no mountain high enough 我的愛比山高

Ain't no valley low enough 我的愛比谷深

Ain't no river wide enough 我的愛比河廣

To keep me from getting to you 沒有窒礙能將我從你身旁分離

Remember the day I set you free 記得那天我拯救了你

I told you that you can always count on me 我告訴你,我將永遠是你的依靠

From the day on I made a vow 自那天我起誓開始

I'll be there when you want me 我會與你長相左右

Some way, some how (*) 不論何時何地

No win, no rain 風雨無阻

My love is alive 我真誠的愛

Way down in my heart 自內心底發出

Although we are miles apart 儘管我們相隔甚遠

If ever need a helping hand 若你需要一位幫手

I'll be there on the double 我會不顧一切到你身旁

As fast as I can 以我最快的速度

Don't you know that 你可知

There ain't no mountain high enough 我的愛比山高

Ain't no valley low enough 我的愛比谷深

Ain't no river wide enough 我的愛比河廣

To keep you from getting to you 沒有窒礙能將我從你身旁分離

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